24 August, 2015


You'll probably have noticed major changes to this blog before you started reading this. That's because I'm having a complete makeover. I've realised that what I really want to be spending my time researching and writing about is the Eighteenth Century, and that's really what I've been doing when I should have been posting here.

So here I am with a new theme and new URL, but not so new passion. I've already started writing my first post, about the fabulous Frederick Prince of Wales, so that should be up within the next few days. 

I'm super excited about this change, and I hope my enthusiasm for the literature and history of the century comes across in my posts, and makes them as fun as they are informative. 

If I don't post within a week, I'll probably be down the gin bar talking about Mary Davys to anyone who'll listen, so please do drag me back and remind me I have a job to do ;)

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